Rushed development and bad management meant that Sega would struggle to capture this magic again, but in 1999, Sonic Adventure was the stuff of dreams. Microsoft has steadily added new games to the list over the course of months and now 2 more games have joined the program. The momentum and physics that the 2D games are known for is all there, they just forgot. Para otros términos con el mismo nombre, véase Adventures (desambiguación) Sonic Adventure es un videojuego de la saga Sonic the Hedgehog desarrollado por el Sonic Team y lanzado al mercado por Sega el 23 de diciembre de 1998, en Japón, para la Sega Dreamcast. What they certainly don't mean is that Sonic controls badly, because he doesn't. No debe ser confundido con Sonic Adventures. They mean there's a rotund cat who's lost his frog. When people say Sonic doesn't work in 3D, what they mean is that a 21-year-old game has some camera and collision detection issues.

I would spend hours running around the city and the forest, just being Sonic, and it's fun. There are humans here that have lives, you can talk to them, and hear about their problems. It turns out that giant anthropomorphic animals are actually something of a minority here. However, Sonic Adventure was more than just a technical showpiece. This was 128-bit, baby! Ask anyone what the coolest moment on the Dreamcast was, they would confidently respond with Sonic being chased by a killer whale in Emerald Coast, Adventure's opening level. Sonic and Sega were back, and more bombastic than ever. Sonic Adventure was the first mainline Sonic title since 1994's one-two punch of Sonic 3 & Knuckles. But in 1999, Sega were primed to usher in a new generation, and a more modern take on their beloved mascot. As the years turned into decades, our collective memory has been warped.

There's a phrase that would see a rise in popularity throughout the 21st century. This week it seemed appropriate to look back at some of our favourite launch titles ever.